Monday, March 3, 2008

Dino puppets

Two posts in one day, there must be a full moon or something.

I know this is a knitting blog, but I do need to digress for just a moment.

Over this past weekend, Erika and I decided to make some sock puppets. She had a "how to" in one of her activity books and wanted to make some. So we got out the hot glue gun, some felt, and other arts & craft supplies.

I happened to have an old pair of ugly green socks, which we cut up to make dinosaurs.

See how cute! Erika's is the one on the right with the dark pink hat and longer hair. Mine is on the left with the "magician's hat".

She chose the heart-nose for hers. It had to be pink. :-)

Here's the full-body shot of the two together where you can see the polka-dots. Erika cut out her own polka dots, and I attached them with the hot glue gun. Actually, I did most of the putting-together with the glue gun, since a 4 and a half year old isn't quite ready for hot glue. I did let her put the stars on the hat, since I let the glue cool down just a bit before putting them on.

She also did cut out some of the teeth on the dinosaur, but then cut the teeth in half (twice) so I redid them.

These were really quick and easy, and lots of fun to make!


Jennifer Lori said...

Those are so cute! What makes the mouth- is that a styrofoam cup? Tell Erika I like hers better ;)

Montreal Mama said...

Those are the cutest ever. Will you post a tutorial so I can make Sean one? Or just tell me what you did next time I see ya :)

I think Sean would get a kick out of it. He got a kick of my thrummed mittens inside out! LOL. Almost need to knit another pair just so he has MONSTERS! LOL